Contemporary German-language literature on the road: Uwe Schütte in conversation with…

This month, Aston’s own Uwe Schütte toured Austria to talk to and about two influential voices in modern German literature:

On 14 January 2014, Uwe visited the Literaturhaus am Inn in Innsbruck, Austria, to join author and long-time literary blogger Alban Nikolai Herbst in a discussion about Herbst’s latest novel, Argo, the third part of his Anderswelt trilogy, a modern Odyssey into a future where the boundaries between East and West, humankind and technology and reality and fiction become blurred.

USchütte-GerhardRoth-ok.inddOn Wednesday, 15 January 2014, Uwejoined Gerhard Roth in a discussion about the influential Austrian writer’s life and literary work on the occasion of the publication of Uwe’s latest book, Unterwelten. Zu Leben und Werk von Gerhard Roth. The event took place at the Vienna Library in Vienna City Hall.

Finally, Uwe was invited to discuss Gerhard Roth’s life and works in an interview with the Austrian news programme Zeit im Bild (ZiB 13), broadcast on Austrian national TV on Thursday, 16 January 2014. Click here to watch the short clip.